Presence Control PRO Dual HF KNX
Twice as vigilant! High-frequency corridor sensor Presence Control PRO Dual HF KNX for indoors, ideal for passageways and long corridors, installation height up to 3.5 m, with digital BUS interface for controlling 4 lighting channels and HVAC, DUAL-HF technology that senses movement in two directions for radial detection up to 20 m, detection regardless of temperature, HF-sensor technology also senses movement through glass, wood and stud walls, switches light ‘ON’ almost instantly.
Sets the direction. All systematically.
Time and again, long corridors present challenges to intelligent building automation. They are easily overcome with the Dual HF. Fitted with two powerful high-frequency sensors, the presence detector can cover an amazing 10 metres in each corridor direction. With absolute precision, leaving no movement undetected – and completely without inadvertent triggering: the high-frequency technology reliably masks out movements in adjacent rooms.