Outdoor light L 625 LED House Number
Number with a radiant future. Designer sensor-switched outdoor light L 625 LED, ideal for building entrances and building fronts, 9-W STEINEL LED light system, 360° angle of coverage, reach up to 8 m all round, aluminium trim panel, removable mini-sensor with 4 programmes geared to practical needs, including soft light start.
Embellishes the home. Sets off your home's street number.
You get home late. The light at the front door switches ‘ON’ automatically and so you can immediately find your key. While you were out your light stopped two burglars from eying up your house while also saving you no end of energy. Convenience, safety and energy efficiency from one and the same light? The L 625 LED designer outdoor SensorLight makes this possible with innovative LED lighting technology – and a brilliant show of any house number.